+EpiData Software

Donations are given by bank-bank transfer.

Donation by credit card was terminated in mid February 2006 due to high running costs

For clarification or questions send e-mail: Send e-mail

EpiData Association, att. Jens M.Lauritsen
Enghavevej 34, DK5230 Odense M, Denmark, Europe

    Suggested amounts
  • Single user
    Basic    (20-39 US$/Euro,150-300 DKK)
    Normal (40-75 US$/Euro,325-600 DKK)
  • Institutional (# employed)
    Small      (<5)      (150-250 US$/Euro,2000 DKK)
    Medium (<10)     (300-700 US$/Euro,5000 DKK)
    Larger   (20+)     (750-1250 US$/Euro, 10000 DKK)
  • Sponsorships
    larger amounts - Contact Send e-mail
  • Courses
    • For Courses in "non-low income countries" consider amounts comparable to what would be paid for other software
    • But note that there are other than financial ways of contributing to development

Transfer donations via bank-bank transfer:
Bank Name: Laan & Spar Bank
Bank Address: Hoejbro Plads 9-11, Postboks 2117, DK1014 København K, Denmark
Account number: 0400 401 0550861
Account holder: EpiData
Iban number: dk060400 401 0550861